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四级倒计时:名师帮你改作文范文欣赏 作者:cctvzsw 来源:佚名 文章点击数:

<center><img alt="四级倒计时:名师帮你改作文范文欣赏" src="" /> <div align="center">李艳华</div> </center> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong> 点评名师:</strong></p> <p>  李艳华:新东方优秀的写作老师之一。博士生在读。言语平实,内容详尽,逻辑清晰,简洁实用,经验丰富,教学成绩显著。</p> <p>  Dear accommodation officer:</p> <p>  I&rsquo;m Lily, a sophomore in our university majoring in French. I&rsquo;m writing to you <u>because I want to ask your help</u> (删)for changing for a new single room in next semester.</p> <p>  As for the reasons why I&rsquo;d like to change my room, there&rsquo;re the following points. Now I share the room with another girl. I find that living with someone else is not as pleasant as it seemed to me before, for I can&rsquo;t <u>keep </u>(enjoy)my privacy and do things freely as <u>I&rsquo;ve </u>(had) hoped for. Moreover, she always has friends visiting, which makes it hard for me to concentrate on my work and even to have a good rest. Last but not the least, as I want to <u>receive </u>(pursue) <u>the </u>(post)graduate education after graduation, I should prepare for the examination with a great deal of concentration from now on.</p> <p>  So I&rsquo;d like to live in a single room next year. I appreciate it very much if you would help me.</p> <p>  Best</p> <p>  Wishes</p> <p>  Yours sincerely</p> <p>  Lily</p> <p>  句子结构不错,内容也尚可,逻辑分明。</p> <p><style type="text/css"> .pb{} .pb textarea{font-size:14px; margin:10px; font-family:"宋体"; background:#FFFFEE; color:#000066} .pb_t{line-height:30px; font-size:14px; color:#000; text-align:center;} /* 分页 */ .pagebox{overflow:hidden; zoom:1; font-size:12px; font-family:"宋体",sans-serif;} .pagebox span{float:left; margin-right:2px; overflow:hidden; text-align:center; background:#fff;} .pagebox span a{display:block; overflow:hidden; zoom:1; _float:left;} .pagebox span.pagebox_pre_nolink{border:1px #ddd solid; width:53px; height:21px; line-height:21px; text-align:center; color:#999; cursor:default;} .pagebox span.pagebox_pre{color:#3568b9; height:23px;} .pagebox span.pagebox_pre a,.pagebox span.pagebox_pre a:visited,.pagebox span.pagebox_next a,.pagebox span.pagebox_next a:visited{border:1px #9aafe5 solid; color:#3568b9; text-decoration:none; text-align:center; width:53px; cursor:pointer; height:21px; line-height:21px;} .pagebox span.pagebox_pre a:hover,.pagebox span.pagebox_pre a:active,.pagebox span.pagebox_next a:hover,.pagebox span.pagebox_next a:active{color:#363636; border:1px #2e6ab1 solid;} .pagebox span.pagebox_num_nonce{padding:0 8px; height:23px; line-height:23px; color:#fff; cursor:default; background:#296cb3; font-weight:bold;} .pagebox span.pagebox_num{color:#3568b9; height:23px;} .pagebox span.pagebox_num a,.pagebox span.pagebox_num a:visited{border:1px #9aafe5 solid; color:#3568b9; text-decoration:none; padding:0 8px; cursor:pointer; height:21px; line-height:21px;} .pagebox span.pagebox_num a:hover,.pagebox span.pagebox_num a:active{border:1px #2e6ab1 solid;color:#363636;} .pagebox span.pagebox_num_ellipsis{color:#393733; width:22px; background:none; line-height:23px;} .pagebox span.pagebox_next_nolink{border:1px #ddd solid; width:53px; height:21px; line-height:21px; text-align:center; color:#999; cursor:default;}</style></p>

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