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中考英语补全对话例题天津名师详解 作者:cctvzsw 来源:keke 文章点击数:

<p>  中考试卷中占5分的&ldquo;补全对话&rdquo;题是用书面形式来考查学生的口头交际能力。这种题型利用给出的一个情景,在一段对话中抽去5个句子,然后根据对话的内容在空白处填入完整句子,使对话完整,符合逻辑、合乎情理。这样的考核形式通过书写句子,来考查你对基本句子结构的掌握和应用、运用书面语言的能力、语言交际能力和在阅读中获取信息的能力。大家是不是有这样的感觉,补出句子容易,补对句子却不容易。那么怎样才能提高这方面的技能呢?</p> <p>  <strong>&ldquo;补全对话&rdquo;主要就是:</strong></p> <p>  1.考查基本词汇和理解基本句型之间的转换。比如:空出上文给出答语就是在变特殊疑问句或一般疑问句。</p> <p>  2.比较难的考查是写出上文的对应语。这种形式要求紧抓信息的同时,理解到位。</p> <p>  我们来看这个对话:</p> <p>  A: Look! __________ ?(1) It looks so interesting. There are dragons and toads(蟾蜍) on it.</p> <p>  B: Ah, it&rsquo;s a great invention of ancient China.</p> <p>  A: Really? ______________?(2)</p> <p>  B: Yes. It was invented in the Han Dynasty.</p> <p>  A: ______________________ ?(3)</p> <p>  B: It was invented by Zhang Heng.</p> <p>  A: ______________________? (4)</p> <p>  B: Guess!</p> <p>  A: Was it used for holding water?</p> <p>  B: No. _____________. (5)</p> <p>  A: Testing earthquakes? Wow, it&rsquo;s really amazing!</p> <p>  你的答案:</p> <p>  (1)_______________?</p> <p>  (2)_______________?</p> <p>  (3)_______________?</p> <p>  (4)_______________?</p> <p>  (5)_______________.</p> <p>  通过你的浏览不难发现这是一段属于在日常生活中介绍功能的对话内容,那我们要用恰当的理解来完成这个对话。这个对话以&ldquo;地动仪&rdquo;发明的时间、发明者和用途为主要内容,通过两个学生的问答贯穿下来。前4句话就属于第一种情况的范畴:</p> <p>  第一句的答语是Ah, it&rsquo;s a great invention of ancient China. Ah是语气词,所以靠后边的陈述句确定要补出一个特殊疑问句。因为这是&ldquo;it&rsquo;s&hellip;&rdquo;的句式,所以肯定是what的特殊疑问句;</p> <p>  第二句的答语是Yes. It was invented in the Han Dynasty.那用一般疑问句还是特殊疑问句提问呢?It was invented in the Han Dynasty.是对Yes.的补充说明,真正的答语是Yes.,所以需要补出一个一般疑问句,而且一定要注意问句不可以重复It was invented in the Han Dynasty.中的in the Han Dynasty,否则的话就说明询问者已经知道了,没必要再补充说明。对话当中一定要避免重复。其实这个补充就是提示你要用一个主句是一般疑问句的连词为when的宾语从句来提问;</p> <p>  第三句的答语是It was invented by Zhang Heng.可以确定是who的特殊疑问句,询问是谁发明的;</p> <p>  第四句不像第三句那么容易直接判断,再让对方Guess!的时候,对方又用了一个一般疑问句Was it used for holding water?来询问,这个疑问句中的固定短语(be used for doing sth.)就提示我们用特殊疑问句来提问&ldquo;地动仪&rdquo;是用来干什么的;</p> <p>  第五句话就属于对应语的范畴了,因为否定了holding water,这句话就是陈述&ldquo;地动仪&rdquo; 到底是干什么的,Testing earthquakes? Wow, it&rsquo;s really amazing!向我们提示了陈述句的内容。</p> <p> <strong> 你是这么思考的吗?</strong></p> <p>  请你在作答之后,根据你的理解,判断一下下面的答案中哪些既符合情境又符合句法;哪些不对,为什么不对;哪些可以考虑正确但不是理想的句子,并将句子的序号填入表格中。</p> <p>  (1)a.What is it?</p> <p>  b.What&rsquo;s that?</p> <p>  c.What&rsquo;s this?</p> <p>  (2)a.Do you know when was it invented?</p> <p>  b.Was it invented in the Han Dynasty?</p> <p>  c.Was it invented many years ago?</p> <p>  d.Was it invented long long ago?</p> <p>  e.Is it invented thousands of years ago?</p> <p>  f.Do you know anything else about it?</p> <p>  g.Do you know anything about it?</p> <p>  h.Do you know the invention?</p> <p>  i.Do you know about it?</p> <p>  j.Is it very old?</p> <p>  k.Was it invented in ancient China?</p> <p>  l.Was it invented for a long time?</p> <p>  m.Is it invented in ancient time?</p> <p>  n.Was it very ancient?</p> <p>  o.Do you know when it was invented?</p> <p>  (3)a.Who invented it?</p> <p>  b.Who was it invented?</p> <p>  c.Whom was it invented by?</p> <p>  d.Who did invent it?</p> <p>  e.Who was the inventor of it?</p> <p>  (4)a.What was it used for?</p> <p>  b.What was it used to do?</p> <p>  c.What is it used to do?</p> <p>  d.What was it used?</p> <p>  e.How did it use?</p> <p>  f.What did it use for?</p> <p>  (5)a.It was used for testing earthquakes.</p> <p>  b.It&rsquo;s about earthquake.</p> <p>  c.It was used to test earthquakes.</p> <p>  *** *** *** *** ***</p> <p>  你的答案是这样的吗?</p> <p>  (1)的三个答案都可以考虑为正确,指示代词this, that,it只是表示&ldquo;地动仪&rdquo;和说话人的位置关系,不管对话人的位置和物体的位置关系是什么,对话内容都符合逻辑。</p> <p>  (2)这个句子是这篇对话的难点,它考核高技能。前边已经有分析了,在这里我们看错误的句子错在哪儿了:</p> <p>  a.Do you know when was it invented?宾语从句的语序错,应为it was。</p> <p>  b.Was it invented in the Han Dynasty?和k.Was it invented in ancient China?都重复Yes.后的句子,这类错误最容易犯。</p> <p>  e.Is it invented thousands of years ago?和m.Is it invented in ancient time?时态错误。</p> <p>  h.Do you know the invention?不符合上文的句意,&ldquo;it&rsquo;s a great invention of ancient China.&rdquo;表明说话人知道这个invention。</p> <p>  l.Was it invented for a long time?这是中文思维做出的句子,所以就出了语法错误,invent是短暂性动词,不能和for a long time连用。</p> <p>  n.Was it very ancient?这也是中文思维的产物,ancient&ldquo;古代的&rdquo;没有作表语来修饰某物,表古老的意思。</p> <p>  i.Do you know about it?的询问对答语来讲不完整,给know加个宾语就行,可以改成像f,g类似的句子。</p> <p>  (3)b.Who was it invented?这个句子反映出语法混乱,who作主语、表语都不通,只能把who看成介宾,那就必须加by,改成Who was it invented by?</p> <p>  d.Who did invent it?这个句子也是语法混乱,基本的特殊疑问句没有掌握。应为Who invented it?</p> <p>  e.Who was the inventor of it?这句话意思通,但不对应答语,所以还是改为Whom was it invented by?或Who invented it?为好。</p> <p>  (4)这个问句实际靠Was it used for holding water?的提示,使用be used for doing sth.来提问。</p> <p>  c.What is it used to do?时态和句型没有吻合上下文。</p> <p>  d.What was it used?这样的句子缺乏成分。</p> <p>  e.How did it use?语态不对,提问方式不对</p> <p>  f.What did it use for?语态不对。</p> <p>  b.What was it used to do?根据下文句式,把to do改为for。</p> <p>  (5)b. It&rsquo;s about earthquake.这样的答语是典型的中文思维的结果,其结果就是句子意思完全偏离了问句。</p> <p>  c.It was used to test earthquakes.如果注意了上文的句子Was it used for holding water? 就不会出这个错误了,那我们把to test改成for testing。</p>

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